Thursday, November 20, 2008

Election, FSU and Pearls before Swine Oh My!!!!! (among other things)

OK, it had been a few months since I wrote one of these. I did some preparation for this blog the past few days. I wrote down some topics on a small piece of paper and thought I would get to writing this at some point. I was ready to write it today, but I can't find the bloody list! Oh well, I think I remember most of the items, so I will take a stab at it. Here we go.

So we had a presidential election a few weeks ago. Obama won, McCain lost, yadda yadda yadda. I am not going to gloat about anything in this blog, trust me. I have a complaint. I am annoyed that there are people out there already saying "Don't blame me, I voted for McCain". You don't even want to give Obama a chance? Give me a break! Back in 2000, after George W Bush was eventually declared the winner, I gave him a chance. I quickly changed my mind on him after a few of his decisions, but at least I gave him a chance.

Woohoo, I found the list! All is right with the world!

Another thing I want to complain about the election is that I see people saying that they are considering running in 2012! THE 2008 ELECTION JUST ENDED PEOPLE! I swear, there needs to be some reforms about this election business. It just annoys the crap out of me that this goes on and on for like 2 years or so. I'm not saying it's not important because electing the leaders of our country is a big deal, I'm just saying that things need to be done to make it seem like it doesn't go one forever.

As of Monday night, my house has finally entered the 21st century. We got high speed Internet!!!! It's sooooooooooo much faster than the crappy dial up connection we had, so much faster. I love not having to wait 20 minutes for the dial up connection to bring up stuff. Did I mention how fast it was?

This coming Sunday, I am going to "Survivor Series" down at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston with 2 friends of mine. I'm looking forward to having a fun time. I might even blog about it come Monday so stay tuned.

Now let's get into the FSU portion of this blog. Is it me or do football players get suspended every week? Last week 5 WR's got suspended for there involvement in a campus brawl. I have not heard anything this week, but there may be more news from that brawl coming out today, so yay! more potential suspensions? Hopefully the players finally get the picture and stop doing stuff like skipping class or getting involved in brawls and just focus on playing football.

FSU did lose last Saturday to Boston College. BC is my second favorite team so I guess it wasn't that bad (It still sucked). I did find it quite hilarious that fans on the message boards were complaining about the Black Uniforms they were wearing and maybe that's why they lost. Call me crazy, but I really don't think the colors of your uniforms has any relevance in whether you win or lose, but that's just me. Get a grip people.

It has not been since "Calvin and Hobbes" was in the Daily comics, that I was able to say "this comic is my favorite". I have a new favorite comic strip now! "Pearls Before Swine" is my absolute favorite comic. I encourage everyone to take a gander at it if you have the opportunity. My favorite character is Rat, but they have a bunch of other characters as well that are all very funny in their own way.

I need one more topic, I only had 7 on my list. Um.........still thinking.........Oh wait I got it! I seriously want to start doing stand up comedy at Open Mike nights. I have some material already and I think I am ready to give it a try. If anyone knows of any Open Mike nights in New Hampshire, Vermont or Massachusetts, drop me a line and let me know. Thanks!

OK, well that's it for now. Like I mentioned earlier, I may write a blog about "Survivor Series" on Monday so keep an eye out for that. I think I definitely will write something about it, but I am not quite sure what I will write about yet. Just stay tuned and maybe there will be something on Monday.